So many people have asked us for the Metasploit Kung-Fu course videos, we are now putting them on sale!
If you just want to become proficient in the world’s most widely used pentesting framework or want to earn the prestigious Metasploit Certified Expert (MCE) certification (these videos covers all the areas on the exam), this may be just the thing for you.

These videos are the live Metasploit Kung-Fu course by Master OTW. He is the author of “Linux Basics for Hackers” and the soon to be published “Metasploit Basics for Hackers”.
For just $99, you can get almost 20 hours of class videos. Simply follow along as OTW covers all the material on the MCE exam and you are sure to pass the first time you take the exam. This is the perfect way to get your cyber security career started or boost your existing career. Achieving the MCE shows that you understand how to use the most widely used pentesting tool in the world, an invaluable skill to employers these days.
Best yet, when you purchase the videos, they belong to you. You can watch them over and over gain at no additional costs until you are ready to take the exam. In addition, you can share them with your friends as there are no DCMA restrictions.
As the videos are very large (20 hours is a lot of video), we can only share them with you via DropBox. Simply sign up for a free DropBox account and we will share these videos with you.
To get your Metasploit Kung-Fu videos, simply fill out the form here and submit with your $99. Within hours, you will receive access to our DropBox account and you can copy them to your computer and watch them at your leisure. Within days, you will be ready to earn your Metasploit Certified Expert certification!