Welcome back my aspiring cyberwarriors!
So many people have written that they would love to participate in Hackers-Arise’ training programs but the incomes in their countries and the exchange rate with the dollar is far too weak.
We have a program for you!

Beginning today, students from the former Soviet Republic states can now get 60% off our Subscriber and Subscriber Pro packages. These nations include the following;
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
Each of these nations’ economies have been hamstrung from decades of oppression by the former Soviet Union. As a result–although incomes and currencies are strengthening now that these nations are “free”– their history with Russia continues to be burden upon them. In addition, as the Putin’s brutal attack against Ukraine has clearly indicated, they are also vulnerable to cyber and physical attack should they displease Putin.
In short, they need cyberwarriors to protect their digital and physical assets and freedom.
If you reside in one of these nations and you want to protect your nation, we are offering you a 60% discount on our Subscriber and Subscriber Pro training pacakages. Simply email hackers-arise@protonmail requesting the coupon and be prepared to provide evidence of residing in one of these former Soviet republics. If you do, we want you here at Hackers-Arise.
We will provide you 60% discount on the best cybersecurity training available anywhere!