Vagrant: Building Secure Testing Environments

Welcome back, aspiring cyberwarriors!   Creating and managing virtual machines has traditionally been a tedious and time-consuming process. System administrators and developers often struggled with the challenges of replicating virtual environments across different servers, a task that becomes exponentially more complex when dealing with multiple VMs. This complexity not only slowed development cycles but also […]

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Signal Intelligence with a Software Defined Radio (SDR): The Quiet Revolution in Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare

Welcome back, aspiring cyberwarriors!   Software-Defined Radio (SDR) has changed the way we communicate and conduct warfare. This comprehensive analysis explores the technical depths of SDR systems, their real-world applications, and their impact on military operations and satellite communications. Through detailed examples and case studies, we’ll examine how SDR has become a cornerstone of modern […]

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Software Defined Radio Basics (Signals Intelligence) for Hackers, June 10-12

Welcome my aspiring open-source signals intelligence officers!   A few years back there was revolution in signals intelligence similar to the revolution of the first PC, the Internet, and the smartphone. That revolution turned your computer into a powerful signals intelligence tool that used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Those devices were only […]

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OSINT: Tracking US Spy Planes Surveilling the Mexican Cartels

Welcome back, aspiring cyberwarriors!   OSINT has applications in so many fields including pentesting, investigations, cybersecurity, threat intelligence, missing persons, and criminal investigations. OSINT can also help to anticipate future conflicts on the geopolitical stage. Just like the Ukraine/Russia War, we are now seeing indications–via OSINT– that a new storm may be brewing!   The […]

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Bluetooth Hacking: Using Bettercap for BLE Reconnaissance and Attacks!

Welcome back, my aspiring cyberwarriors!   Bluetooth is the most underappreciated attack vector into all your devices.  Nearly all our devices have a bluetooth adapter and connection that is vulnerable to attack. This includes our cellphones, laptops, Smart Home devices, ICS devices and our ubiquitous bluetooth speakers and headsets. If the attacker can gain access […]

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The Art and Science of Social Engineering in the Age of AI, February 11-13

Many novices to cybersecurity underestimate the importance of social engineering. More experienced hands understand that social engineering is probably the greatest threat to our networks. Many of the most significant hacks in history had a social engineering element including;   BlackEnergy3 attack against Ukraine’s power grid Target POS 2016 Presidential Campaign and DCCC email hack […]

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