
Metasploit Basics, Part 11: Exploiting Fileformat Vulnerabilities in MS Office

Welcome back, my fledgling hackers! As the operating system developers become more and more security conscious, operating system exploits become rarer. Not so rare that we don’t see them anymore (see ExternalBlue and the .NET vulnerability CVE-2017-8759), but rare enough that hackers tend to focus their efforts on the applications and their output files for […]

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PowerSploit, Part 1: How to Control Nearly any Windows System with Powersploit

A few years back, Microsoft implicitly recognized the superiority of the Linux terminal over the GUI-based operating system by developing PowerShell. Since Windows 7, every Windows operating system has had PowerShell installed by default, and they even made PowerShell capable of running Linux commands on Windows! PowerShell is a powerful environment to get just about […]

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