Python Basics: Programming Concepts

Welcome back, my aspiring cyberwarriors! To ascend to the status of cyberwarrior, you must have some basic programming capabilities. In the field of hacking and cybersecurity, this usually means BASH and Python scripting. Python scripting is the most popular among cybersecurity professionals due to its extensive libraries and modules that are useful in cybersecurity (you […]

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Satellite Hacking, Part 1: Getting Started

Welcome back, my aspiring radio satellite hackers! In this series of tutorials, we will be exploring hacking satellites from a multitude of approaches. Satellites have become a ubiquitous and necessary technology in our everyday lives. They provide us with internet access, television and radio signals, location services, satellite phone service and, of course, satellite images […]

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Hackers-Arise Offers the Best Cybersecurity Training on the Planet! Listen to What our Students are Saying!

Hackers-Arise Offers the Best Cybersecurity Training on the Planet! We attract the best students from around the world and make them the best cyberwarriors on the planet! Don’t take our word for it, look what are students are saying! These are all unsolicited testimonials from real people!     To participate in this state-of-the-art training, […]

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Finding Outdated and Vulnerable Systems in Russian Using Shodan

Welcome back, my cyberwarriors! The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues and the courageous people of Ukraine need our help. In previous posts, I have emphasized that there are many outdated and vulnerable systems around the world. Not everyone updates and upgrades their operating systems. These systems are particularly vulnerable to known attack vectors. Russia is […]

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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Using Google Earth Pro Satellite Imagery for Investigations

Welcome back, my aspiring investigators! Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a very broad field with a multitude of applications throughout information security and other fields. These applications include; Pentesting and security assessment Economic and financial assessments Environmental Assessments Crime investigations People Searches Thwarting hacks, scams, and other criminal activity Journalism The list could go on […]

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