Evading AV with Veil-Evasion

One of the most important issues any hacker must address is how to get past security devices and remain undetected. These can include antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, web application firewalls, and numerous others. As nearly all of these devices employ a signature-based detection scheme where they maintain a database of known exploits and […]

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nmap for Recon and DoS

Welcome back, my nascent Hackers!​ In previous articles , we looked at a passive way to gather information necessary for a hack. The advantage of using passive recon is that it’s totally undetectable, meaning that the target never knows you’re scouting them and you leave no tracks. The disadvantage, of course, is that it’s limited […]

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Command & Control Series Part III (Installing your Redirector)

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity operations, the use of Command and Control (C2) servers stands as a critical component for orchestrating coordinated tasks across compromised systems. However, directly interacting with a C2 can often leave an operator exposed to detection and countermeasures. This is where the strategic implementation of a redirector plays a pivotal […]

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