Cyber Threat Intelligence: Malware Bazaar on the Frontlines of Threat Intelligence

Welcome back, aspiring cyberwarriors!   In the complex realm of cybersecurity, professionals face a continuously evolving landscape of digital threats. To address this challenge, MalwareBazaar was introduced as a collaborative defense platform, revolutionizing the way cybersecurity experts analyze and combat malicious software.   Conceived by, a distinguished Swiss cybersecurity research organization, MalwareBazaar collects known […]

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Hackers-Arise Announces a New Training Program: Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR)!

Many of our aspiring cyberwarriors have been asking for a separate digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) training program and we have responded! This new program will use many of the existing courses on our Subscriber and Subscriber Pro platform and add additional, new courses specifically for digital forensics and incident response. We recognize that […]

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Satellite Hacking, Part 1: Getting Started

Welcome back, my aspiring radio satellite hackers! In this series of tutorials, we will be exploring hacking satellites from a multitude of approaches. Satellites have become a ubiquitous and necessary technology in our everyday lives. They provide us with internet access, television and radio signals, location services, satellite phone service and, of course, satellite images […]

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