Digital Forensics, Part 1: Capturing a Forensically Sound Image

Digital forensics is rapidly growing field of information security. The hacker needs to understand what evidence can be recovered and the security engineer needs to know how to find it. These skills are applicable to law enforcement, corporate investigations, network intrusions, malware analysis and incident response, among many others. No matter what area of information […]

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Why YOU Should Study Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Hackers!

Hacking radio signals (RF) IS the leading edge of cybersecurity!    So many applications in our modern life use radio frequency elements that it is hard to list them all. For instance, consider the following list: Automobile and vehicle access and monitoring Mouse and keyboards Cellphone Signals Remote control Telemetry Satellite transmissions Police and military […]

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Radio Basics for Hackers, Part 2: Amplitude, Modulation, decibels and gain

Welcome back, my aspiring radio hackers! As you know, radio hacking is the leading-edge of cybersecurity! Nearly everything digital around us emits, radiates or receives radio waves. These include our cellphones, computers, automobiles, remote controls, key fobs, GPS, and this list could go on and on. This is a little understood field of cybersecurity by […]

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