Is Hacking IP Cameras Just for Voyeurs or Does it Have Strategic and National Security Implications?

Welcome back, my aspiring cyberwarriors! Hacking IP cameras has always had a bit of voyeuristic appeal to the aspiring cyberwarrior. Many want to be able to watch people (girlfriends, spouses, and colleagues) without being detected. This is a more basic application of this skill. The higher-level application of these skills concerns the strategic interests of […]

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Vulnerability Scanning with Nuclei: The High-Speed, Customizable Solution for Advanced Vulnerability Scanning

Welcome back, my aspiring cyberwarriors!   Nuclei is an advanced, open-source vulnerability scanner that has gained significant popularity among cybersecurity professionals, penetration testers and developers. Known for its exceptional speed, high degree of customizability, and accuracy in identifying security vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential exploits across a wide range of digital assets and networks. This article […]

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Bluetooth Hacking, January 28-30

Bluetooth Hacking is one of the least understood and under-appreciated threats to your cellphone, desktop, SCADA, Smart Home and IoT devices!   For years, cybersecurity researchers considered Bluetooth safe and secure, but in recent weeks and months, numerous frightening and severe vulnerabilities have been found within this protocol. These exploits include sending arbitrary commands into […]

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